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Grab the most BTC that you can!


Are you looking for a way to make money without investing at all? This is the right platform for you. Not only you’re gonna be able to earn effortlessly but in Bitcoin, the best crypto ever which days ago hit the 12.000 dollars. Awesome, right? Now, it gets much much better. According to some experts, traders, and such, Bitcoin still has a lot to grow, some even say that it will hit the 60.000 dollars in a couple of years. There’s no certainty that this is really going to happen, but if it does? What if you have for example 1 BTC right now and hold it for 2 years when the same amount is equivalent for almost six times (6x), and now imagine if you have more!!

So, get to it. Start earning BTC by completing simple tasks every hour, every day with this unique platform https://grab.tc/, it can change your life. Perhaps you’re wondering what simple tasks? Here a list of them:

1. Faucet: Claim bits (fraction of BTC) for just rolling a number. You can earn up to 10.451 bits. It’s available every hour.
2. Install and use the Brave browser, you will earn in a passive way. Just use it.
3. Visit short links: There are more than 50 short links available every 24 hours for you to visit and earn bits.
4. PTC ads: click and visit the ads available, wait up to 30 s, complete the captcha and that’s it!
5. Jobs: Do the jobs offered and earn up to 2.000 bits. You have to show proof of the job completed. Fake proofs will reduce your BTC.
6. Accumulated Referral Rewards Program (ARRP): Refer the most people you can and earn up to 0.6984 BTC.
7. Payment proof: Show proof of payment on the page’s forum and earn 100 bits.
8. Achievements: claim bits completing the achievements.
9. CPU mining: Just click on start and earn bits without doing anything. You will mine, 40.000 hashes=1 bit.
10. Investment game: Predict if the price of BTC is going to go higher or lower in the next 5 minutes. You will get paid 1,3x if you’re trade is successful.
11. Redeem coupon: If you have some coupon, redeem it and claim bits.
There’s a section of offers where you can play games, complete surveys, visit websites, install apps, and more and be credited for that.
There are contests of referrals, short links and offer walls. Be in the top 10 and earn thousand of bit, million even.
There’s a lottery every month. You can buy tickets with your bits and ear thousand bits.

As you can see there’s a lot to do and if you’re persistent, dedicated, hungry, you can really earn a lot of BTC’s and give a chance to your life. You can withdraw your earnings to your BTC wallet and start making investments more profitable or whatever you desire. They are yours!!

So, go to this link https://grab.tc/?ref=70338 and sign up. It’s very simple the registration and let’s go, start making a difference in your financial life.

I wish you all the best and I hope this has been worthy to you.


Остается пожелать удачи в инвестировании и автору, не забывшему включить в ссылку свой реферальный номер. Насчет зарабатывания сатоши на рекламной капче слышал от тех, кто этим занимался. Говорят, что месячного заработка хватит в лучшем случае на оплату мобильного телефона.
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