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  • 📝 Знаешь буквы и умеешь их компоновать? Платим. Дорого. Бессрочная акция от MMGP: "ОПЛАТА ЗА СООБЩЕНИЯ"

[ANN] [ICO] Alphateca - Первый международный криптомаркет


Alphateca is the first Global Cryptomarket
where any user can sell or buy different goods and services anywhere in the world using cryptocurrency.
The platform allows you to purchase many items and services in one place.

In a few clicks you can find the product you are interested in, immedialety contact the seller and make a purchase.
No additional fees are added to transactions and no interest is lost in case of international money transfer. Seller receives cryptocurrency
on his wallet in a few minutes, no matter where he is. The blockchain technology allows carrying out the most transparent operations,
preserving the user's privacy. Anyone can view transactions between wallets, as well as completed auctions.

Our main mission is to develop and simplify international online trading based on cryptocurrencies, as we strongly belive that
cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are the future of the global financial system.

Video about Alphateca on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP54b5syuoM
White Paper: http://becrypto.one/doc/WP.docx

Pre-sale starts: 15 June 2018
Pre-sale ends: 25 June 2018
ICO starts: 1 July 2018
ICO ends: 1 August 2018

Soft Cap - $1 000 000
Hard Cap - $10 000 000
The price per token - 0,075$ (+ 25% pre-sale bonus)
Token name - ATEC
PlatformEthereum ERC20
List of accepted currencies - ETH, DASH, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash
Total tokens released - 177 000 000
Amount of tokens for sale - 174 000 000

Contact email - [email protected]
Contact phone - +7 812 903 32 27
Telegram - https://t.me/alphateca
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